Puja Path Kalawa Ke Niyam These Days Are Considered Auspicious To Open Kalawa Know The Rules

Puja Path Kalawa Ke Niyam These Days Are Considered Auspicious To Open Kalawa Know The Rules

Rules of Kalawa: Kalava has special importance in astrology and Indian culture. It is a red colored thread which is tied on the wrist. Kalava is considered a sign of protection, good luck and auspiciousness. There is a tradition of tying it on the wrist on the occasion of worship, marriage, Upanayan Sanskar, Griha Pravesh, festival or other religious occasions. It also protects from evil eye, bad yoga, and inauspiciousness.

Kalava is also called Raksha Sutra. Kalava is replaced when it gets old. Many people change the kalava tied on their wrist anytime, which is considered very inauspicious. There are some special rules related to Kalava. Let’s know about it.

Kalava should be tied in this hand

There are different rules for both men and women regarding tying Kalava. Women should always tie Kalava on their right hand. However, if you are married then it should be tied on the left hand. On the other hand, its rules for men are just the opposite. Men should always get Kalava tied on the right hand. While tying Kalava, always keep Akshat in your hand and keep your fist closed.

Kalava should be wrapped only three times. Kalava is also of two types. One with three threads and the other with five threads. The Kalava with three threads has red, yellow and green colour. On the other hand, in the Kalava with five threads, apart from red, yellow, green, white and blue threads are also there. Kalava with five threads is also known as Panchdev Kalava.

When should Kalava be opened

Just as there is a rule regarding tying Kalava in the hands. Similarly, there are some rules to open it as well. Despite this, people take it off anytime. Doing this is not considered right at all. According to the scriptures, only Tuesday and Saturday are the most auspicious days to take off Kalava. On this day you can take it off and tie a new kalava on your hand. It can be taken off even on odd numbered days. Keep in mind that Tuesday, Saturday should not be falling in these odd number days.

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